Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Marketing, the Marketing Mix (4p’s), and the Nine P’s
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. (Kotler, Keller, ‘05) Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. (Kotler) Marketing is getting the right product or service to the right people (target market), at the right time, at the right place, at the right price with the right communications and promotion. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. (Kotler) †¢ A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. (Kotler) †¢ â€Å"Product†includes packaging, as a subset of the total offering. Brand managers use packaging as a badge, enhancing the product’s value. Here’s an example: In fall 2008, McDonald s scrapped and changed its package design across 118 countries, 56 languages. Packaging can increase the perceptions about the quality of the product. †¢ A Product or service also should have Purpose, which is discovering the product’s real value, use, difference, reason, or function for the consumer and user. Price: All aspects regarding pricing. The price consumers are willing to pay. Retail price/wholesale, discounts, trade-in allowances, quantity discounts, credit terms, sales and payment periods. Promotion: The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities. Activities that communicate the merits of the overall product, which includes: †¢ Personal Selling/ Sales Force †¢ Advertising--Mass or nonpersonal selling: TV, radio, magazines, newspaper, outdoor/out-of-home Advertising is structured and composed non personal communication of information, usuallyShow MoreRelatedA Study on Alipay Essay1730 Words  | 7 Pageswith people’s daily life , in another word, as compared with Paypal, AiliPay is more suitable towards the Chinese customers and that’s why Alipay becomes one of the leading giant online payment service providers. 3.0 Analyse according to the Marketing Mix 3.1 Swot Analysis Internal Factors Strengths: a) For the sellers, through Alipay can avoid the risk of miss receiving the payment from their customers and at the same time to provide customers a variety of payment instruments. It can provideRead MoreMarketing Environment Of Dubai : A Tourist Destination Essay3336 Words  | 14 PagesTask - 1 MARKETING ENVIRONMENT OF DUBAI 3 A. Briefly discuss the core concepts of marketing and analyze the marketing environment of Dubai as a tourist destination 3 B. Examine the factors affecting consumer motivation and demand for Dubai as a tourist destination, both for business and leisure travels. 5 C. Explain the principles of market segmentation and discuss how I can use strategic marketing planning for promoting Dubai as a destination. 6 D. Discuss the relevance of marketing research andRead MoreMarketing Esssay- ASOS1814 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿Asos Marketing report By Kirsty McAllister Contents 1.0Introduction 2.0 Micro Macro Environment 3.0 Market research 4.0 Market Segmentation 5.0 Marketing Mix 5.1 Product 5.2 Place 5.3 Price 5.4 Promotional Mix 5.5 Importance of Organisation 6.0 Changes in Market conditions and its effects 7.0 Conclusion 1.0Introduction Marketing is all about identifying customers’ needs and wants. It also about putting the customer wants and needs at the centre of every department of the companyRead MoreMarketing Communication in the Hospitality Industry34407 Words  | 138 Pages........................................................ 4 2.1 Service Marketing.......................................................................... 4 2.2 Marketing Communications........................................................... 5 2.2.1 Communication Process..................................................... 6 2.2.2 Marketing Communication Models...................................... 7 2.2.3 Marketing Communication Tools ........................................ 8 2.2.4 ConsumerRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words  | 522 PagesDBA 1652 Marketing Management UNIT -- I Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Unit Title Marketing management – an introduction Marketing environment Marketing with other functional areas of management Market segmentation Market targeting and positioning Product management Brand management Pricing Channel design and management Retailing and Wholesaling Integrated Marketing Communication Advertising management Sales promotion Personal selling Public
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Tactics of Terrorism and Preventive Ideas Essay - 1554 Words
The Problem: Terrorism In The World Terrorism, which has been around for as long as people can remember, has been on the rise for the past ten years. Terrorists use murder, kidnapping, hijacking, and bombings to almost always achieve a political purpose. These radicals are not just subject to the United States, terrorism is all over the world, in every way, shape and form. There are many different types of terrorism, for many different purposes. The primary reason for terrorist acts are to force a change in their nations government. If terrorists are not satisfied with there governments political positions, they may end up taking the matters into there own hands. Another reason for terrorist acts are because of hate towards a†¦show more content†¦Another type of bomb works off of the altitude of the plane. Once the plane reaches the set altitude, the bomb will explode. I suggest that the actual luggage should be scanned for explosives that would be dangerous to the passengers. Since the only luggage that is scanned at this time is the carry-on luggage, and individuals that go through the metal detectors. I recommend that all luggage being loaded in the belly of the aircraft, also go through a metal detector being scanned by trained eyes. This would prevent any bombs from being loaded onto the plane. Another type of plane bombing is called the Suicide Bomber, this is a terrorist who straps the bomb to his body, making it harder to stop them from boarding the plane, because you cannot see it by the human eye. Unfortunately, metal detectors dont pick up plastic explosives that a terrorist could carry on board. Another idea for this would be to have a bomb sniffing dogs at every metal detector, which could work in terms of stopping the bombs before they reach the plane. Of course, there will always be terrorists who would like to make a change in the policy of the government. And you will always have radicals who will want to take out their anger towards a particular race, religion, or nationality. One of the best ways to stop terrorism is, of course, by monitoring these groups closely for signs of illegal activity. FirstShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Issues with Closing Guantanamo1474 Words  | 6 PagesThe United States military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has been occupied by over 700 Middle Eastern men suspected of terrorism since 2002. It has been home to some of the most heinous suspected terrorist to ever walk on this Earth. What to do with this military base, has been a major source of conflict within our nation and with other nations for over a decade, with no real reasoning substantial enough to close the base. 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It can result in everything from economic disaster to terrorism (Techopedia). Cyberspying can be devastating toward both the government and businesses due to the classified information that can lead to copied products and gain both personal and business secrets. This ends up with consequences from major lossRead MoreHuman Security As A Borderless World By Derek S. Reveron And Kathleen A. Mahoney Norris Essay2410 Words  | 10 Pagesinstitutions, and society†while human security focuses on â€Å"Freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of expression, and freedom of beliefs†(Reveron 3). Even though it would be in the United States’ best interest for their foreign policy to reflect the idea of human security as national security due to Hillary Clinton’s national security strategies, the Iraq War, and Obama and Bush’s doctrines. In December 2015, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed the state of Minneapolis to discussRead MoreThe Impact Of Black Friday On American Symbols, Values And Interests6556 Words  | 27 Pagessupporting, or harboring terrorism would be held responsible. More importantly, Resolution 1368 pointed out to the right to individual and collective self-defense under the United Nations Charter. The attacks did represent a new turn not only in American history, but in the world’s history as well. There is no wonder that terms like â€Å"pre-911†and â€Å"post-911†are part of contemporary readings of American history, and world history at large. In fact, the problem of terrorism is not a new one. It is
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Proton Free Essays
* 1. INTRODUCTIONPerusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad (PROTON) wasincorporated in May 7, 1983 to manufacture, assembleand sell motor vehicles and related products, includingaccessories, spare parts and other components. PROTON produced Malaysias first car, the ProtonSaga, commercially launched on July 9, 1985 by formerMalaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr. We will write a custom essay sample on Proton or any similar topic only for you Order Now MahathirMohamed, who had originally conceived the idea of aMalaysian cars. Toyota Motor Corporation is the market leader inautomotive industry and the worlds largest motorvehicle manufacturing groups. It sell about 7,234,439unit of all type of vehicles in 2009. * 2. BENCHMARKPROTON benchmark is based on Toyota Motor Corporation . ToyotaMotor, the worlds largest automotive manufacturer (overtaking GM in2008), designs and manufactures a diverse product line-up that rangesfrom subcompacts to luxury and sports vehicles toSUVs, trucks, minivans, and buses. Its vehicles are produced either withcombustion or hybrid engines, as with the Prius. Toyotas subsidiaries alsomanufacture vehicles: Daihatsu Motor produces mini-vehicles, while HinoMotors produces trucks and buses. Additionally, Toyota makes automotiveparts for its own use and for sale to others. Popular models include theCamry, Corolla, Land Cruiser, and luxury Lexus line, as well as the Tundratruck. In Asia, they generates almost 40% of sales. * 3. VISION†¢ They strive to become a successful Malaysian Automotive Manufacturer globally by being customer oriented and producing competitively priced and innovative quality products. * 4. MISSIONOur Company history is one of the remarkable achievements ofwhich we are proud(1) of. In our pride lies the vital energy thatdrives us forward and forces us to take on new challenges. Notonly our customers but also our business associates andshareholders need to trust our ability and rely(2) on us todeliver on our promise of quality. We continually strive toexpand our knowledge(3), skills and expertise in order to findbetter solutions and produce better results. As a nationalproject, Proton is also committed to lead in the acquisition ofintellectual capability in design and technology(4), which willpropel the nation to achieve the status of an industrialisednation. With people as our primary focus, we are committed tobuilding a friendly organisation, sensitivity to customers needswith clear communications leading to mutual understandingand care(5). * 5. CHARACTERISTIC OF MISSION 1. Philosophy †¢ Proud 2. Self – 5. Customers concept †¢ Caring †¢ Reliable Mission element 4. Employees 3. Technology †¢ Knowledgeable †¢ New technology * 6. OPPORTUNITIES†¢ Replacement model make an increasing sales about 40. 7%. †¢ Joint venture with other company. †¢ The development of concept car(Nissan)†¢ Rising oversea demand about 20. % * 7. THREATS†¢ Global financial crisis effect the vehicle sales are tipped to fall 12. 4 per cent in 2009. †¢ New product from other companies with better technology. †¢ Gas price up almost 30%. †¢ Local competitor, Perodua or Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua has surpassed Proton in sales. * 8. The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix WEIGHTED OPPORTUNITIES WEIGH T RATING SCOREReplacement model make anincreasing sales about 40. 7% 0. 08 1 0. 08Joint venture with other company 0. 2 2 0. 4The development of conceptcar(Nissan) 0. 09 3 0. 7Rising oversea demand about 20. 7% 0. 12 4 0. 48 * 9. WEIGHTED THREAT WEIGHT RATING SCORE Local competitor, Perodua orPerusahaan Otomobil Kedua hassurpassed Proton in sales. 0. 23 3 0. 69Gas price up almost 30%. 0. 08 2 0. 08Global financial crisis effect the vehiclesales are tipped to fall 12. 4 per cent in2009. 0. 08 4 0. 32New product from other companieswith better technology. 0. 12 3 0. 36 Total 1. 0 2. 68 * 10. STRENGTH†¢ Strong RD (R3)†¢ Revenue per employee. †¢ Government Linked Company (GLC)†¢ Employee morale is excellence. The market share of 56. 9% in the industry. * 11. WEAKNESSES†¢ Quality of product is still lower compare to competitor product. †¢ Employee is lacked of technical skill. †¢ Had suffered a net loss of RM60. 1mil for its third quarter ended Dec 31 b ecause of restructuring expenses incurred by its sports car division, Lotus Group International Ltd. * 12. SWOT MATRIX Click this * 13. BCG MATRIX FOR PROTON BHD * 14. †¢ From this graph, it shows that the Proton Bhd. market share was about 25% and industry sales growth rate is -5%. From the result, we consider of three types of strategies which is divestiture, product development and market penetration. * 15. DOGS STRATEGY1. Divestiture. 2. Product Development. 3. Market Penetration. * 16. DIVESTITURE†¢ By using this strategy, the company should focus more on their core business only because of it is in DOGS requirement. Divestiture often is used to raise capital for further strategy acquisition or investment. For example proton must reduce the production of Proton Juara and Tiara because the car demand is low and difficult to find spare part and make up the car. The reason is longer proton produce the car the inventory turnover will be higher. * 17. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT†¢ In this strategy, our company needs to gain endeavor to incorporate select technologies and manufacturing expertise such as from Nissan Motor Co. that could lead to potential cost savings in capital expenditure and research and development (RD) for the national carmaker. * 18. MARKET PENETRATION†¢ In this stage, Proton must consider getting a third party to use its plant for a long-term planning for better utilization of plant capacity. Proton can go and get technology from a small company as many big companies in South Korea, Japan and Europe were using them to design their cars. * 19. BALANCE SCORECARD FRAMEWORKStrategies Priorities Goal Target StrategyFinancial Increasing sales of New Focus on developing proton product demographical country. areasCustomer Attract more people to Young and the Made sporty car model buy proton car middle age people that can attract customersManager / Increase Working Potential worker Send them oversea toEmployee performance strengthen skill and expertise How to cite Proton, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Dead Poets Society Summary and Context Essay Example For Students
Dead Poets Society Summary and Context Essay The Walton Academy Is founded on the values of tradition and excellence, and Is fixed on providing students with a strict, structured lesson curriculum set by the realist administration. With every new semester, many sons are left in the hands of Walton Academy, in hopes that they become doctors and lawyers. However, when a Walton alumnus returns as an English teachers, he brings with him the passion for romanticism, widening the horizons of his students. The story is mainly viewed through the eyes of Todd Anderson and his roommate Neil Perry. Todd is an overly unconscious and shy character who is constantly afraid of not living up to the expectations that the people around him have, given that his brother was a former valedictorian. Nell on the other hand, Is ambitious and outgoing, but Is always suppressed by his predominant father, who dictates how Nils life should be run. The new English teacher John Keating begins his teachings with a fervent lecture on their imminent deaths, explaining to the students that their lives are fleeting so they should seize the day to make their lives count, to leave a legacy of carper diem. He continues his teaching by instructing the class to rip out the pages of their books which describe a scientific way to determine the greatness of poetry. He teaches them the works of the romantic poets such as Thoreau and Lord Byron and employs outdoor exercises to warn them of the dangers of conformity and the power of sports as a way which human beings push each other to excel. Amidst these eccentric activities, the students, intrigued with their new teacher, learn that he was a member of the Dead Poets Society. When asked, Keating describes glorious moments of creating gods, but warns them to forget about the idea. Nevertheless, they repeatedly sneak off campus to convene their own version of the Dead Poets society. Todd Is allowed to attend as an exception: since he does not want to read aloud, he keeps minutes of the meetings. Throughout these meetings, each character is able to develop his own romantic or realist nature. The shocking clash between realism and romanticism begins to unfold when Charlie Dalton prints an obnoxious article In the school news in the name of the Dead Poets. The administration is appalled and begins an investigation. Meanwhile, fall madly in love with a girl who is practically engaged to the son of his parents friends. He pursues her relentlessly, driven by romantic Ideals, In the face of the threats on his life by her boyfriend. Nell realizes that his real passion in life is acting and proceeds to land the role of Puck in a Midsummer Nights Dream at the local theater. He begins to weave a tangled web of deception by failing to inform his father, then lying to Mr.. Keating when his father finds out and demands he quit the play. Feeling trapped, after his final performance and a standing ovation, he takes his own life. Ultimately, the administration links his death to the Dead Poets Society, and pushes the blame towards Mr.. Keating for reviving the past. Each student is then forced to sign a document blaming Mr.. Keating for Nils death, which leads to him being fired from his Job. In one final scene, displaying the beauty of a balance between the two Ideals, Todd Is able to cry UT to Mr.. Keating, who stopped by the class to collect his belongings, O Captain, my 1 OFF climbing to the top of his desk to salute his fallen teacher, who changed his life. .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 , .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .postImageUrl , .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 , .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4:hover , .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4:visited , .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4:active { border:0!important; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4:active , .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4 .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9a321a8227aa77c23d4232f98cd6c0a4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry comparison between 'Long Distance' and 'The Sick Equation' EssayContext Dead Poets Society was set in the conservative and aristocratic Walton Academy, Vermont 1959. Although the film and book were both set in the 20th century, the main focus of the story centre around two 19th century values/movements, namely the realist and the romantic. These two themes are the essential components that bind the story together. Both themes are crucial to the story as much of the storyline, literary and film devices and implemented in order to better complement and bring out the essence of the two themes. Hence, when analyzing the differences between the book and the film, it is important to note how each feature in each respective avenue brings the themes across. At various instances, the portrayal of realism and romanticism can be subtle, but can also be extremely blatant. When attempting the comparative analysis of the book and film, it is necessary to always consider the eating and themes of the story in order to better understand the different components and their workings within the book and film. The definitions of realism and romanticism help set a clearer, stronger grounding for the analysis. Realism (Britannica Online): Realism rejects imaginative idealization in favor of a close observation of outward appearances. Realism Usually stemmed either from artists desire to present more honest, searching, and initialized views of everyday life or from their attempts to use art as a vehicle for social and political eroticism. Realisms emphasis on detachment, objectivity, and accurate observation, its lucid but restrained criticism of social environment and mores, and the humane understanding that underlay its moral Judgments Romanticism (Britannica Online): Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental. was marked by emphasis on originality and individuality, personal emotional expression, and freedom and experimentation of form.
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