Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
35 Fossil Words
35 Fossil Words 35 Fossil Words 35 Fossil Words By Mark Nichol The absolute most captivating words in the English language are what etymologists call fossil words, so named in light of the fact that they are antiques from another period and endure just in disconnected use. Here is a rundown of a portion of our language’s fossil words with definitions and the informal expressions in which they show up: 1. Ado: trouble over insignificant subtleties (â€Å"without further ado†or, all the more seldom, â€Å"much ado about nothing†) 2. Amok (or amuck): in an uncontrolled way (â€Å"run amok†) 3. Bandy: hit, pass, or hurl around, or examine daintily or utilize off-handedly (â€Å"bandy about†); bowed (â€Å"bandy-legged†) 4. Bated: limited or deducted (â€Å"wait with bated breath†) 5. Secure: stumble for deck or for fixing or reinforcing a joint or an adaptable article, for example, a sail (â€Å"board and batten†); to give or affix secures, or to attach (â€Å"batten down the hatches†) 6. Beck: summons (â€Å"at (one’s) beck and call†) 7. Former events: what has passed or is previously (â€Å"let past events be bygones†) 8. Gizzard: stomach or yield (â€Å"sticks in (one’s) craw†) 9. Deserts: greatness or worth, or what is merited or justified (â€Å"just deserts†) 10. Dint: power or force (â€Å"by (sheer) dint of†) 11. Dudgeon: ire (â€Å"high dudgeon†) 12. Squeeze: achieve or get with trouble (â€Å"eke out†) 13. Fettle: condition of wellbeing or wellness (â€Å"in fine fettle†) 14. Fro: away or back (â€Å"to and fro†) 15. Solidness: sound or sound (â€Å"hale and hearty†) 16. Here: close or neighboring, or to this spot (â€Å"hither and yon†) 17. Prehistoric: before memory or convention (â€Å"time immemorial†) 18. Jetsam: what is thrown over the edge from a boat (â€Å"flotsam and jetsam†) recognized from junk, a word indicating what skims from the destruction of a boat (that term is utilized somewhere else than in the expression â€Å"flotsam and jetsam†as isn't recorded independently here) 19. Ken: scope of information, observation, or comprehension, or view or scope of vision (â€Å"beyond (one’s) ken†) 20. Kith: companions, neighbors, or family members (â€Å"kith and kin†) 21. Loggerhead: imbecile (â€Å"at loggerheads,†importance blocked, or slowed down, by willfulness); additionally, a sort of turtle 22. Guts: quality, or force or quality of, demeanor (â€Å"test (one’s) mettle†) 23. Neap: a powerless tide (â€Å"neap tide†) 24. Offing: the not so distant future (â€Å"in the offing†); likewise, the profound sea as observed from the shore 25. Petard: a compartment of explosives for penetrating or breaking a hindrance (â€Å"hoist by (one’s) petard†) 26. Kit n kaboodle: everything that is appropriate (â€Å"the entire shebang†) 27. Confession: admission (â€Å"short shrift,†with the possibility that a censured individual is given brief period to admit sins) 28. Skill: trick, mastery (â€Å"sleight of hand†) 29. There: progressively remote, or to that place (â€Å"hither and thither†) 30. Turpitude: wickedness (â€Å"moral turpitude†) 31. Ulterior: past what is transparently communicated (â€Å"ulterior motive†); additionally, more remote, or increasingly far off, or what is on the more distant side 32. Vim: heartiness (â€Å"vim and vigor†) 33. Unleash: achieve or cause (â€Å"wreak havoc†) 34. Fashioned: produced, ornamented, or formed, or energized (â€Å"wrought iron†) 35. Yesteryear: the far past (â€Å"days of yore†) Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Vocabulary class, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and Toes15 Types of DocumentsConversational Email
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Disclosing Your PTSD Diagnosis
Disclosing Your PTSD Diagnosis PTSD Diagnosis Print Disclosing Your PTSD Diagnosis By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Updated on October 21, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children Tetra Images / Creative RF / Getty Images Have you recently been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and are you thinking of disclosing your PTSD diagnosis to someone? This can be a stressful experience, as well as a positive one. When someone learns that they have PTSD, they may not be that surprised. Receiving a diagnosis can actually be a positive experience. People may be comforted by the fact that there is a name for the number of symptoms that they are experiencing. Being diagnosed with PTSD may also bring about a sense of hope. Even though recovery from PTSD can be a long and difficult road, there are a number of effective treatments for PTSD. However, PTSD may also be associated with some stigma. That is, some people may view PTSD as a sign that they are weak or damaged in some way. They may be ashamed of having the diagnosis or view it as their fault, as though they did something to cause it. Outsiders may think this of those diagnosed as well. As a result, people may avoid disclosing their diagnosis to people they are close to, such as family and friends. The Importance of Telling Others Disclosing that you have PTSD to people in your life (especially loved ones) is important. Loved ones can be an excellent source of social support, which has been found to be incredibly beneficial for people with PTSD. Social support may speed up recovery from PTSD and help someone overcome the effects of a traumatic event. Yet, telling others about your PTSD diagnosis can be a very difficult and stressful thing to do. Here are some tips that may make the process of disclosing your PTSD to loved ones a bit easier. How to Help a Loved One With PTSD Learn About the Diagnosis Before you tell anyone about your PTSD diagnosis, it is important that you understand the diagnosis yourself. Learn as much as you can about PTSD. PTSD is often misunderstood, and it is very possible that your loved ones will have many questions about PTSD. Make sure that you can address those questions or, at the very least, direct them to resources to get their questions answered. Identify People That You Trust and Who Can Provide Support You do not need to tell everyone about your PTSD. Who should you tell? Share the information with those people who are going to be understanding, trustworthy, and supportive. There are a number of characteristics that you should look for in establishing a source of social support. In deciding who to tell about your PTSD diagnosis, try to see who in your life has a number of these characteristics. Coping With PTSD Set Aside a Time to Tell Others After you identify who you are going to tell about your PTSD diagnosis, make sure you set aside a good time to do so. Telling someone about your PTSD diagnosis can be a stressful thing to do. It may be uncomfortable and/or anxiety-provoking for you. It can be an emotional experience for both people involved, so make sure that you do it in a place and at a time that is not stressful for you. Invite a friend over for tea. Take a family member out to lunch. You want to set up a situation where you have the persons undivided attention. You Choose What to Disclose What to disclose is completely up to you. Give the person enough information to understand the diagnosis and make sure to let them know how they can help. You do not need to tell your loved ones everything. For example, you do not need to disclose specific information about your traumatic event. If someone asks you an uncomfortable question that you do not want to answer, it is perfectly OK to simply say, Im sorry, but I am not ready to talk about that yet. Prepare beforehand by coming up with some things you can say if someone asks you a question you do not want to answer. Eliminate Confusion About PTSD Be prepared to give them the basics on PTSD. Tell them what symptoms commonly occur in PTSD and why. If you are telling someone who is going to be providing you with social support, it is important that they have a good foundation of knowledge on PTSD. They need to understand why certain symptoms and behaviors occur, what they look like, and how they can be addressed. Talk to Others With PTSD If you know other people with PTSD, talk to them to see how they disclosed their diagnosis to loved ones. What worked well for them? What would they do differently if they had to do it again? You can gain some valuable information from the experiences of others with PTSD or who are recovering from PTSD. Prepare Yourself in Case They Dont Understand Finally, prepare yourself for the possibility that someone may not be supportive or understanding of what you are going through. Sometimes people may not be ready to hear what you have to tell them. This can be a very difficult experience to encounter, and it has the potential to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed. It may also prevent you from seeking out support from others. Before you tell anyone about your PTSD, make sure you have some coping skills ready to deal with the possibility that someone may not give you the response you want. Remind yourself that that is about them, not you. Remember You Are in Control In the end, it is important for you to know that you do not have to disclose your PTSD to anyone before you are ready. You are in control. You decide who to disclose your diagnosis to and when. PTSD is never a sign of weakness, and it is never the fault of the person with the diagnosis. Surrounding yourself with people who understand, care for and support you, can greatly reduce the stigma around a PTSD diagnosis and ?aid in recovery. PTSD can be a difficult diagnosis to cope with. However, recovery is definitely possible. Treatments for PTSD
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Crime Of Identity Theft - 3476 Words
According to the Federal Trade Commission Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States of America. They estimated that 10 million people a year are victimized by the crime which comes out to about 19 people per minute are becoming victims of this crime. Given these extremely worrying statistics it has never been more important to be informed about the crime of identity theft and how to avoid it in your daily life especially as more schemes and ways to unknowingly forfeit your information are introduced with the prevalence of the World Wide Web (www, w3). More than just knowledge of the crime of identity theft it is also important to know what protections you can set to help protect your information. Also, given the amount of businesses and organizations, and the various vulnerabilities that their systems may have, that must have access and know significant information about your life it is also invaluable to understand how to recover from your information being lo st. This paper will be used to inform about this growing crime including what identity theft is and the different types that exist, what information is most important to protect, what you can do to avoid it, how to recover from it and what that may entail, and how this applies to the field of computer science and what should be looked for when building systems, and different kinds of attacks that can happen. Identity theft happens when an malicious individual gains unauthorized access to yourShow MoreRelatedIdentity Theft Is Not A New Type Of Crime776 Words  | 4 PagesMerriam-Webster defines identity theft as the illegal use of someone else s personal identifying information (such as a Social Security number) in order to get money or credit. The United States Department of Justice says identity theft is, â€Å"The short answer is that identity theft is a crime. Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typicallyRead MoreCultural Crimes : Home Invasion And Identity Theft1213 Words  | 5 Pages Cultural Crimes: Home Invasion and Identity Theft In order to understand the relationship between Indigenous Canadians and other Canadian identities we must first have a basic understanding of this relationship throughout history. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Culture And Architecture Of Dubai Essay - 1846 Words
When I was young, because of mother’s business I needed to live in Dubai during every holidays. So I witnessed and learn a lot of things happening in Dubai. Due to this condition, I want to do the research in culture and Architecture of Dubai. Dubai , the second largest emirate of the United Arab Emirates with an area of 3885 square kilometers, is located in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz in the throat of the bay area, the middle of Arabian Peninsula, the South Bank of Arabia Bay, is a bay area center, known as the Pearl of the Gulf. The economic strength of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates the UAE is also second in the world with 70% of the non-oil trade, so it used to be called â€Å"the United Arab Emirates trade†,also the entire Middle East entrepot trade center. Dubai s official language is Arabic, but English is the principal language of business. The main economic industry are in the financial industry,oil trade, tourism and so on. Dubai has the world s first seven-star hotel, the world s largest shopping center, the world s largest indoor ski resort, the tallest tower in the world, a continuously oil support and an important trade port status. Therefore,Dubai has brought great wealth, and be come synonymous with luxury. First, the marriage in Arab is polygamy. Men are legally permitted to marry less than four wives. It is a little wired because the majority of countries in the world are monogamy. Therefore the rule seems to be very glad forShow MoreRelatedDubai And The United Arab Emirates1353 Words  | 6 PagesI’ve been raised in Dubai my whole life, since my family moved in 1998 due to my father’s job, making that almost 18 years of my life. Considering I have lived in Dubai almost my whole life, even though I’m Indonesian, I think of Dubai as my Hometown. 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This economic and population boom has naturally had negative consequences on resource security and environmental sustainability and the problem is currently too evident to ignore. (Luomi 2014) The region also witnesses a highly consumer-orientated culture where much of the lifestyle comes at the expense of the environment. Dubai is said to have one of the highestRead MoreThe World Of Wanderlust : An Original 1935 Monopoly Board Game1484 Words  | 6 Pagesbut notice the striking architecture and the edgy urban vibe. One building, looming over the high way, was made entirely of stainless-steel with rivulet sculptures against the side of the building. Another extremely unique building consisting of two towers, each slant at a vaguely different angle, looked like two lovers drawn to each other yet barely touching. Each building with elaborate shapes and awe-inspiring construction added a unique element to Holland’s architecture. My curiosity landed me
Madame Bovary and Techniques in Fiction Free Essays
string(67) " the novel seem award at all but make it flow through very nicely\." 1. Conceptions: The Origin of a Story Gustave Flaubert in all probability got the idea for Madame Bovary when he and Louise Colet became lovers, in which the novel was written at the time of the affair. When Flaubert and his mistress first started to have the affair, they wrote love letters to each other as any other lover would. We will write a custom essay sample on Madame Bovary and Techniques in Fiction or any similar topic only for you Order Now The letters that Flaubert would write were similar to the journals the authors use to help stimulate ideas for their novel. (TIF, 10) Flaubert in all wanted to expose the whole aspect of having affairs and encompassing mistresses. Putting the setting at his birthplace made him more comfortable with the area allowing him to have the full coverage of the city such as knowing all the streets and the back roads that Madame Bovary uses. (Flaubert, 261) The more familiar the area is the more realistic it would seem, such as where the houses were located. The whole aspect of the city is not imaginative but more practical. The characters in Madame Bovary resemble Flaubert and his family in many ways, for instance the elder Mrs. Bovary as Flaubert’s mother. They both have are widows in their future life, and they have the sense of protectiveness of their children. Since Flaubert’s father is a doctor, he had to incorporate that characteristic in Charles Bovary. However, I think the greatest resemblance between the characters of the novel and Flaubert’s family is Flaubert and Madame Bovary because they both have nostalgia for Paris. As Flaubert places himself in a woman’s place you can see his true self coming out. As they both want the pleasurable sensual feeling of love and to some extent, becomes a drug, where they are addicted and cannot find the end. Madame Bovary and Flaubert both have two lovers. Madame Bovary’s downfall was the amount she spent on her lovers which leads her into debt and Flaubert engaged in his studies and focused on his writing. 2. Beginnings The beginning of the novel Charles is in school but is held back. It is not if it is the most horrific, or a quiet pleasurable moment in his life, but it would be the most rememberable moment in his life because he is at a school away from his family and he would be ridiculed consistently. At first, it seems as if Flaubert is starting from the beginning of Charles life because all the focus is on him but once he marries Emma, it is all about her. I do not understand why Flaubert started out this way because Charles is not the main character but is only an unimportant character that is just here from the beginning to the end. It does not seem as if the novel was placed in such historical or momentous occasion because the author does not insinuate anything. All he does say that Emma admires Joan of Arc and worships Mary of Scots. (Flaubert, 32) In most part, the reason why the novel is not based off an important event is that the characters have nothing to do with the occurrence. It all has to do with the characters, their emotions, and their daily wrong doings. The novel is not like Ann Frank, where the whole story is based off a historical incident but it is more like the novel itself has its own history. The â€Å"envelope†now makes the beginning of the novel more understandable. It is as if he is there from the beginning until the end. Although he is in every one of the life situations, it does not directly involve him. Through all the pain and heartache, Charles remains the same. The book Techniques in Fiction explains why Flaubert included the early years of Charles and why they prolonged the ending. It was so show Charles stupidity from the beginning to the end and he still wonders why life has put him through all this. He still is unable to acknowledge that his wife has put him through all this pain and that â€Å"Only fate is to blame†. (Flaubert, 302) Charles as a schoolboy is not any different from Charles as an adult. Both have the sense of idiocy all through out the novel. As the other school children ridicule him, it has not changed in his adult years. Emma is derides Charles not in his face as the school children did but in a secretive sort of way by having an affair with other men and by breaking the sacred vows of marriage. I would have to say that the novel is low beginning because it makes us more comfortable to get into the story and it does not have an intense moment where it makes us uneasy such as a melodramatic storm. (TIF, 50) Having included Charles and his early school years makes us at ease and more familiar to the story line on what is going to happen when. 3. Style and Speech â€Å"Every writer, by the way he uses the language, revels something of his spirit, his habits, his capacities, his bias.†(TIF, 55) The way Flaubert wrote reveled himself, the good and the bad, through the characters and events. He depicted himself through Madame Bovary, showed the world his real self and not just a faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade. His need for love, compassion and the fond of the arts were shown to the readers as Madame Bovary. The uses of metaphors are in the most common way unlike Alexander Theroux’s novel The Wogs where he uses a profuse amount of metaphors in one paragraph. Flaubert uses the metaphors to clarify or to detail something, â€Å"we would throw them [caps] under the bench so hard that they struck the wall and raised a cloud of dust†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (MB, 2) To make the scene seem more interesting Flaubert would transition very well from writing without any literary devices to adding metaphors without a notice. This did not make the novel seem award at all but make it flow through very nicely. You read "Madame Bovary and Techniques in Fiction" in category "Papers" The way Flaubert added any dialogue made it as if any person would say such thing or he would make it seem so poetic it would seem so romantic. Flaubert made Charles’ dialogue seem so dull like his character and Emma is so versatile. She would speak one way to Charles and another way to the pharmacist. Flaubert would make each of the characters had their own way of speaking as if the characters were alive and had their own personality and style. Flaubert follows the outline in Techniques in Fiction not perfectly but it does seem as if he tried. I know the outline was not used when Flaubert wrote this novel but it just shows how well of an author he is. The principles stated in the Techniques in Fiction are followed by Flaubert in Madame Bovary. There maybe a slight exception but that is very rare and most of the time the outline is followed. The manner in which Flaubert uses attribution is as the book puts it, where each character should have its own way of talking. The dialogue is not he said, she said because the dialogue is with emotion, â€Å"she exclaimed in surprise.†(MB, 120) 4. Characterization The characters display a certain consistency, even thought hey are subject to change. Like Charles is the kind of character that remains the same throughout the entire novel, unlike Emma who is the kind of character that is all innocent in the beginning and then come to a bigger city, becomes brash. Only Emma is the character that changes but the rest of the minor characters remain the same. The way the characters are depicted in the novel is not that descriptive but they are portrayed in the way they talk amongst themselves or by the way the other characters see them. The way Emma is first described for the first time when Charles first sees her. â€Å"Her hair was divided into two sections by a fine part running down the middle of her head; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (MB, 13) Charles is described by the author as â€Å"a country boy, about fifteen, taller than all of us†. (MB, 1) When the characters meet each other the description runs in the thought of their heads. The use of expression, habits, gestures and movements are used very selectively for each character to make them seem alive. â€Å"†¦ he had outbursts of anger, followed by plaintive moans of infinite sweetness and the notes that pored from his bare throat were full of sobs and kisses.†(MB, 193) The expressions are used mostly describe the feelings for each other and their passionate quarrel or when Emma gets annoyed of Charles. Just off the dialogue, the behavioral status of the characters can be shown such as Emma and her attitude towards her husband Charles. â€Å"Ah, he carries a knife in his pocket, like a peasant.†(MB, 88) It can also show the love for the lovers in the affair. Just of the dialogue the characters show if they respect and love the other person or if they just show off as if they actually do care but they really do not. The way each of the characters speak is as if they have a mind of their own. Flaubert would make each of the characters had their own way of speaking as if the characters were alive and had their own personality and style. Emma would talked is hate to Charles and Berthe but with respect and compassion to the apothecary, the pharmacist and especially the men she is fond of, Rodolphe and Leon. They each have a different personality so it would just make sense if they talked differently. The attitude that each character has towards themselves is honorable. Emma has that sense of respect but also an impression of arrogance, the way she would end up in debt even after the bills had been loaned to her. They do not quarrel but they get along by going to their neighbors houses at night after dinner, or in Emma’s case, to her lover’s house. They way she has to go to his house secretly by following â€Å"the walls that ran along the water’s edge†. (MB, 141) The character past comes in the beginning of the novel to show us what their personality is going to be like when they are introduced. 5. Point of View The point of view tells us from which perspective is the story being told. There may be ten different characters that means there would be ten different perceptions. The author has to decide in which perspective they would like the story to told from because each of the characters has a different outlook and opinion on the predicament. There might be a character that is almost invisible that can see everything, feel the characters emotions and clarify those sensations into the story, like the narrator in Madame Bovary. 6. Background; Setting; Place; Milieu As the story is placed in France during time that Gustave Flaubert is in, makes the story seem more reasonable since that Flaubert actually knows what is happening during the time. It is as if he has had some personal experiences. At first Charles is in a school because the country did not have the education that his parents wanted. It went on from there, the setting is still in France but it went from the country to a city back tot the country and back to the city. Once Charles got his professional degree, he moved in to a village sort of place, Tostes, where he married an old widow. Then he goes to a farm where Emma lives. They marry and stay at Tostes until there is a proposition in Rouen. The couple only stays in Tostes for about 2 years. That is where the rest of the story is, where Emma transforms from an innocent farm girl to a lust driven woman. 7. Narrative Style: Time and Pace in Fiction Flaubert told the story in a very reasonable fashion. He did not speed up quickly and leave out details nor did he go to slow and let each scene drag on. Each scene was perfectly proportional to the amount of dialogue and the narration. Each scene shows what is happening and is not leaving anything out like behavior, attitude, ect. Each scene coincides with each other; it does not seem out of place compared to the other. Flaubert also does not have the narrator state something and the character does it, but he lets the readers find out eventually. It doe not seem as if Flaubert made a plan or had a certain strategy on how to write the novel. Out of the four techniques that most authors use to sum up the storyline, Flaubert uses several separate scenes with narration going along with it. Having too much dialogue would dull the novel a little because the novel is mostly about Emma and the emotion she has. Time is very effective in the novel because it flashbacks in the beginning of the novel not confusing the readers and each time Emma remembers her life in Les Bertaux but as a mere remembrance. (MB, 44) The time scale is very effective in the sense that the story takes place in many years and it is not all cluttered up in to one day like Classical Literature. Having the time in that way helps build up the story and make it go on easily without any gawkiness. The novel is written in a present past tense, where the action has already taken place when the narrator is describing the scene, â€Å"But Charles replied that they were leaving the following day†. (MB, 198) if it was all in present tense it would not make sense because the setting and time is in the past around the late 19th century. Having it in the present past makes it seem more like a movie in the reader’s mind, making the story more imaginative. 8. Plot and Story Some people would say that the plot and the story are interchangeable but the plot is the only thing the readers are interested in because it brings in suspense while the story is the whole account where it has all the minor details and a whole cluster of facts. The classical approach to writing a plot is to have description and background information, then to have the rising action in which the problem will derive from and after all that, the crisis. From there the character realizes there is a problem and then the catastrophe. Now here is the Madame Bovary plot summery in the classic approach. Emma is country born but reared in the city. She later marries a prosperous doctor but the only problem is that she does not love him. They move to Rouen and his practice is even more affluent. She realizes that she has feeling for her neighbor’s younger roommate. One day she meets a very charming man and soon they start to have an affair. Things get to intense and he leaves. She secretly has an affair with her neighbor’s roommate. She spends more and more money on him and their â€Å"home†. Soon she is too in debt and she must pay it all back to the â€Å"loan officer†. She does not have enough money by the deadline so sh e decides to kill her self. Now the practical solution for a plot seems more reasonable than the classic approach that Aristotle had conceived. There is a problem, the crisis deepens, then the problem is recognized and after that, the world is changed, for the better or for the worse. It is somewhat ironic that Emma has cheated on her husband and she has hit a dead end, she has nowhere to go and her status has been stripped from her, no wonder she decided to kill herself. There is no explanation for Charles to treat her like a goddess even what she has put him though. When Emma first felt something for Leon, which was the first sign that something was going to happen. Whenever Charles gives something to her, she acts as if it is not good enough for her but she keeps on spending money on herself and not anyone else, even her own daughter. When Madame Bovary dies, it was a bit of a shock because she wanted to live in riches and show Rouen what she really is about, but after her scandal came public, that must have put a deep hole in her reputation. There was not a real surprise end because Charles says numerous times that he could not live with out Emma and when he did die of grief, it was sad for them to leave their daughter as an orphan. This novel definitely had a double plot because of the affairs and the debt she keeps digging deeper into. When she had her first affair with Rodolphe, I was sure that she was going to get caught but she was saved. That did not stop her though. She had feelings for Leon and she made sure that they would spend time together at least once a week. Each time she lied, she had to lie again to cover up the previous lies and all she ended up in was a huge web of lies that she got confused in. Flaubert did not complete all of the checkpoints in Techniques in Fiction because they all do not apply to every novel but they include every novel. Each novel has a different genre and each genre has different expectations. In each genre, there are sub genres and they require to have certain things. 9. Organic Form and Final Meaning Flaubert is an emotional person who does not give a care about the world and what they think about him and his novel. He never wrote the book for the shameless readers but the idealists who have the sense of modernization. His views of the â€Å"modern†world are quite different from the idealist that the world really was not modern but it was only in our heads and that technology has increased world knowledge. His writing techniques and the need for perfection; The methods in which he reaches perfection is not of normal people, he boasts out loud for hours until is sounds the way he needs it to sound. He wanted to be known for his perfection and not how he modernized the world. Gustave Flaubert is a realist who is infatuated with perfection and style. Flaubert wanted to show society what hey were really about but he did not want to make it complicated by explaining it so he showed it through his characters. He wanted to make an impacted on culture and not just another reading book. One of the reasons why this novel is faithless is because he grew up at the height of the romance movement and that is how the people of civilization behaved. Gustave believed that the personality and style of the author must vanish into the book and the book must not lose its originality. He deemed that style was impersonal and it is unique in the sense that expressing things are intensified in color. Who would think that to take the dreariest setting, the prettiest characters, and the most common to would make a masterpiece? All of theses symbols: the knife, the silly cap, cigar case, all encompassed who Charles really was, a lowly doctor with no individuality. The way Flaubert included the â€Å"small, ignoble Venice†of the river in Rouen and the pimples on his first wife’s face was like †the budding of spring†made the scene more interesting making his style more impressive and ideal. The way Emma sees Charles as the dorky village doctor, and how the children say as unromantic, clearly shows the lack of respect the she has for him, his entire life is devoted to her. To show that even cared he forgave her lover saying that it was destiny that choose its path. The way Flaubert embraced Charles and his affection to his daughter Berthe has included a bit of himself and his care for his motherless niece. Madame Bovary is a historicist fallacy because the readers judge the book because of the time it was written in and what the time and setting is. Flaubert did not want dell with the lawsuits and the modernization of France. All he wanted to do was put out in words what societies doing. His need for perfection really made him strive for the perfect sound. He would work for hours on days until he could find that one word that drove him crazy. How to cite Madame Bovary and Techniques in Fiction, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Understanding Mental Illness Essay Example For Students
Understanding Mental Illness Essay Understanding Mental Illness Essay: Means for Lifting the Stigma As a victim of the debilitating mental illness clinical depression, I have a first hand knowledge of the terrible stigma attached to seeking medical help for this and similar problems. When the diagnosis was made, I told no one that I was seeing a psychologist. I feared what people would think of me and how they would react to one of their friends seeing a shrink. Because mental illnesses are not well known and even less well understood, people tend to fear them. People who may be afflicted with mental illnesses often shy away from treatment because they fear that they will be labeled crazy or sent to an institution. We will write a custom essay on Understanding Mental Illness specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I think that the stigma attached to mental health care could be easily lifted if regular psychiatric examinations were instituted, much the same as regular physicals. As people are exposed to the illnesses and begin to understand their origins and ways to help, this fear of people afflicted with the diseases should shrink (ha ha) and eventually disappear. As our country moves from a society made up of mainly manual laborers, to a society of white-collar workers, Americans find themselves with more and more leisure time. Often, if everything is going well in the world, society will look for problems to take the place of those that have been eliminated. For example, during the past ten years, Americans have had few really big problems, there have been no close to home wars, the economy is doing well, and unemployment has been dramatically down. Because of this, people have had large amounts of free time and energy, which was previously spent trying to work out larger problems and issues. For many people, this time is spent looking within themselves and often noticing things within their personality and psyche that would have been overlooked by earlier generations ( conditions/cause). Statistics of today would lead one to believe that the occurrence of these illnesses has increased, however; awareness and the willingness of the victim to receive help has increased instead. There is less of a stigma attached to seeking mental health care than there has ever been before in this country. People are more willing to recognize and obtain help for their problems instead of ignoring them and going on with their lives as if nothing is wrong. With the continual exposure of the general public to these diseases, society is sure to place even a lesser degree of shame on the sufferer and his or her family. Mental illnesses can be devastating to not only the sufferer, but also the sufferers family and friends. Early detection and prompt administration of treatment help in the overall treatment of the mentally ill. If you or someone you know suffers from a known mental illness, dont ignore it, get help. Early detection is the key to fixing the problem quickly and easily. Works Cited Robb, Martin and Jerome Kroll. The Reality of Mental Illness (Cambridge University, 1986 New Standard Encyclopedia (1990) Mental Illnesses vol. 11. Chicago, Illinois Standard Education Corporation. 2000 Internet accessed July 25, 2000 2000 On Health Internet Mental Illnesses. resource/conditions/item483 accessed July 25, 2000 2000 Health-Center Internet Mental Health. health/bipolar accessed July 25, 2000 2000 Health-Center Internet Mental Health. health/schizophrenia accessed July 25, 2000 . Understanding Mental Illness Essay Example For Students Understanding Mental Illness Essay Understanding Mental Illness Essay: Means for Lifting the Stigma As a victim of the debilitating mental illness clinical depression, I have a first hand knowledge of the terrible stigma attached to seeking medical help for this and similar problems. When the diagnosis was made, I told no one that I was seeing a psychologist. I feared what people would think of me and how they would react to one of their friends seeing a shrink. Because mental illnesses are not well known and even less well understood, people tend to fear them. People who may be afflicted with mental illnesses often shy away from treatment because they fear that they will be labeled crazy or sent to an institution. We will write a custom essay on Understanding Mental Illness specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I think that the stigma attached to mental health care could be easily lifted if regular psychiatric examinations were instituted, much the same as regular physicals. As people are exposed to the illnesses and begin to understand their origins and ways to help, this fear of people afflicted with the diseases should shrink (ha ha) and eventually disappear. As our country moves from a society made up of mainly manual laborers, to a society of white-collar workers, Americans find themselves with more and more leisure time. Often, if everything is going well in the world, society will look for problems to take the place of those that have been eliminated. For example, during the past ten years, Americans have had few really big problems, there have been no close to home wars, the economy is doing well, and unemployment has been dramatically down. Because of this, people have had large amounts of free time and energy, which was previously spent trying to work out larger problems and issues. For many people, this time is spent looking within themselves and often noticing things within their personality and psyche that would have been overlooked by earlier generations ( conditions/cause). Statistics of today would lead one to believe that the occurrence of these illnesses has increased, however; awareness and the willingness of the victim to receive help has increased instead. There is less of a stigma attached to seeking mental health care than there has ever been before in this country. People are more willing to recognize and obtain help for their problems instead of ignoring them and going on with their lives as if nothing is wrong. With the continual exposure of the general public to these diseases, society is sure to place even a lesser degree of shame on the sufferer and his or her family. Mental illnesses can be devastating to not only the sufferer, but also the sufferers family and friends. Early detection and prompt administration of treatment help in the overall treatment of the mentally ill. If you or someone you know suffers from a known mental illness, dont ignore it, get help. Early detection is the key to fixing the problem quickly and easily. Works Cited Robb, Martin and Jerome Kroll. The Reality of Mental Illness (Cambridge University, 1986 New Standard Encyclopedia (1990) Mental Illnesses vol. 11. Chicago, Illinois Standard Education Corporation. 2000 Internet accessed July 25, 2000 2000 On Health Internet Mental Illnesses. resource/conditions/item483 accessed July 25, 2000 2000 Health-Center Internet Mental Health. health/bipolar accessed July 25, 2000 2000 Health-Center Internet Mental Health. health/schizophrenia accessed July 25, 2000 . Understanding Mental Illness Essay Example For Students Understanding Mental Illness Essay Understanding Mental Illness Essay: Means for Lifting the Stigma As a victim of the debilitating mental illness clinical depression, I have a first hand knowledge of the terrible stigma attached to seeking medical help for this and similar problems. When the diagnosis was made, I told no one that I was seeing a psychologist. I feared what people would think of me and how they would react to one of their friends seeing a shrink. Because mental illnesses are not well known and even less well understood, people tend to fear them. People who may be afflicted with mental illnesses often shy away from treatment because they fear that they will be labeled crazy or sent to an institution. We will write a custom essay on Understanding Mental Illness specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I think that the stigma attached to mental health care could be easily lifted if regular psychiatric examinations were instituted, much the same as regular physicals. As people are exposed to the illnesses and begin to understand their origins and ways to help, this fear of people afflicted with the diseases should shrink (ha ha) and eventually disappear. As our country moves from a society made up of mainly manual laborers, to a society of white-collar workers, Americans find themselves with more and more leisure time. Often, if everything is going well in the world, society will look for problems to take the place of those that have been eliminated. For example, during the past ten years, Americans have had few really big problems, there have been no close to home wars, the economy is doing well, and unemployment has been dramatically down. Because of this, people have had large amounts of free time and energy, which was previously spent trying to work out larger problems and issues. For many people, this time is spent looking within themselves and often noticing things within their personality and psyche that would have been overlooked by earlier generations ( conditions/cause). Statistics of today would lead one to believe that the occurrence of these illnesses has increased, however; awareness and the willingness of the victim to receive help has increased instead. There is less of a stigma attached to seeking mental health care than there has ever been before in this country. People are more willing to recognize and obtain help for their problems instead of ignoring them and going on with their lives as if nothing is wrong. With the continual exposure of the general public to these diseases, society is sure to place even a lesser degree of shame on the sufferer and his or her family. Mental illnesses can be devastating to not only the sufferer, but also the sufferers family and friends. Early detection and prompt administration of treatment help in the overall treatment of the mentally ill. If you or someone you know suffers from a known mental illness, dont ignore it, get help. Early detection is the key to fixing the problem quickly and easily. Works Cited Robb, Martin and Jerome Kroll. The Reality of Mental Illness (Cambridge University, 1986 New Standard Encyclopedia (1990) Mental Illnesses vol. 11. Chicago, Illinois Standard Education Corporation. 2000 Internet accessed July 25, 2000 2000 On Health Internet Mental Illnesses. resource/conditions/item483 accessed July 25, 2000 2000 Health-Center Internet Mental Health. health/bipolar accessed July 25, 2000 2000 Health-Center Internet Mental Health. health/schizophrenia accessed July 25, 2000 Words / Pages : 577 / 24 .
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The Tragedy of the Vietnam War essays
The Tragedy of the Vietnam War essays The Vietnam War is considered by most to be a mistake for many reasons. Many victims emerged from the war and especially for the soldiers who participated in it, it was simply wrong. Many of the soldiers who fought in Vietnam entered Vietnam with unclear directives and returned from Vietnam transformed and displaced. Many individuals have chosen to express how the Vietnam War was a tragedy from many angles. Through books, images, and movies, the memories of Vietnam are filled with pain and regret. These expressions are beneficial because they create within us a sense of understanding for what is often termed indescribable. One of the most powerful tools for expression is writing. Tim O'Brien, author of the book, The Things They Carried, vividly recounts what Vietnam did to him and those with whom he served. His stories about the transformations he witnessed offer proof that the war was indeed a mistake. For example, he tells us about how Norman Bowker was a gentle person, but as a soldier, he carried with him the thumb of a dead Vietcong boy. Another example of how the war changed individuals is when Rat Kiley shot the baby buffalo. We are told that Kiley stroked the buffalo's nose and then shot at it repeatedly. He shot it in the knee, its back and legs; he shot off an ear. "It wasn't to kill; it was to hurt," O'Brien tells us. (O'Brien 78) Kiley was reacting to losing his best friend, Curt, who stepped on a land mine and died. In the unknown land of Vietnam, Kiley found no other way to express his feelings. We can understand the extreme pressure the soldier was under when O'Brien tells us that "Rat Kiley was crying. He tried to say something, but then cradled his rifle and went off by himself" (79). O'Brien is able capture moments of emotional collapse that result from extreme conditions. O'Brien writes of what he saw, "We had witnessed something essential, som...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Spanish Verbs Comprender vs. Entender
Spanish Verbs Comprender vs. Entender Both comprender and entender are usually translated as to understand, and in many cases - in fact, most of the time - you can use them interchangeably. However, there are some subtle differences in how they may come across. Differences Between Entender and Comprender The main difference between the two verbs when they mean to understand can be seen in the saying Te entiendo, pero no te comprendo, which obviously makes little sense if you try translating it as I understand you, but I dont understand you. Perhaps a better way of understanding this sentence would be something like I understand the words youre saying but I dont understand what you mean. Comprender, then, can suggest a deeper type of understanding. If you speak with an accent and want to know if youre getting your words across, for example, you might ask:  ¿Me entiendes? But if what youre looking for is whether the listener understands the implications of what youre saying, the question  ¿Me comprendes? may be more appropriate. In real life, though, these differences may not be all that distinct, and you may hear one verb used when the above guidelines suggest using the other. For example, I know exactly what you mean could be translated as either Te comprendo perfectamente or Te entiendo perfectamente (the latter appears to be more common) and the same goes for Nadie me comprende and Nadie me entiende for Nobody understands me. In other words, as a Spanish student you neednt worry too much about which verb to use in most contexts. As you hear and use the two verbs, youll pick up on whatever subtle differences exist between them in your locality. Note that comprender can also have the meanings to cover, to enclose or to include (and thus have a meaning related to the English word comprehensive rather than to comprehend, both of which come from the same Latin source). Example: El territorio de la provincia comprende tres regiones bien diferenciadas. (The provincial territory includes three distinctive regions.) Entiende cannot be substituted in this sentence. Sample Sentences Using Entender and Comprender Here are examples of these two verbs in use: Si yo quiero comprender a alguien, no puedo condenarlo; debo observarlo, estudiarlo. (If I want to understand someone, I cant judge him; I need to observe him, study him.)Todavà a no puedo entender de lo que se me acusa. (I still cant understand what Im being accused of.)Mis padres comprendà an que esta era mi personalidad y no trataron de cambiar mi modo de ser. (My parents understood that that was my personality and didnt try to change how I was.)Si hubiera entendido el frà o que iba a sentir, no me hubiera depilado. (If I had understood how cold it would feel, I wouldnt have shaved.)Comprendemos perfectamente las dificultades y errores que se cometen en una lucha tan larga. (We understand perfectly the difficulties and mistakes that are made in such a grand struggle.)La pelà cula la entendà a medias; hay ciertas cosas que se escapaban a mi comprensià ³n. (I didnt completely understand the movie; there are certain things that eluded my understanding.)Solo los sabios lo comprendern. (Only the wise will understand it.) Creo que son pocas las personas que lo entienden como realmente es. (I believe that few are the people who understand it as it really is.) Using Entender With Prefixes Entender, although not comprender, can be combined with prefixes to form several other verbs, although none are in widespread use. Malentender can be used for to misunderstand, although both entender mal and misinterpretar are more common. Malentendà algo y me ayudaste a entenderlo. (I misunderstood something and you helped me to understand it.)Es una broma que muchos malentendieron. (It is a joke that many misunderstood.) Desentenderse can be used to refer to the avoiding of understanding, intentionally or otherwise. Poco a poco me desentendà de las partituras y empecà © a improvisar. (Little by little I ignored the sheet music and began to improvise.)Nuestros là deres se desentienden del nuevo escndalo econà ³mico. (Our leaders are looking the other way from the new economic scandal.) Sobrentender (sometimes spelled sobreentender) refers to complete understanding. Sobrentiendo que no soy adicto y que no he substituido una droga por otra. (I know full well I am not an addict and that I havent substituted one drug for another.)Espero que sobrentiendas el costo de tus acciones. (I hope you completely understand the cost of your actions.)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Corporate Restructuring of RBS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Corporate Restructuring of RBS - Essay Example Many organizations these days are practicing corporate restructuring to make the optimal use of their resource. Some organizations have found that corporate restructuring is necessary for enhancing the business profitability, while other businesses have not been very successful in restructuring. This has resulted in debates over whether the corporate restructuring is really beneficial or whether it is only a myth. This paper is going to look at the both sides of corporate restructuring and will conclude with the final word on the impact of Corporate Restructuring on the financial position of an organization. The major objective behind any restructuring program is to achieve the organizational efficiency. Corporate Restructuring schemes are designed keeping in mind the enhancement in productivity of the workers, cost control elements and any other objectives that are going to maximize the shareholder’s wealth. Conventionally it was thought that corporate restructuring improves the performance of a company’s shares on the stock market. This hypothesis was rejected by a recent study. It was revealed that announcements relating to Corporate Restructuring of an organization did not yield abnormal returns for the stockholders. Hence, Corporate Restructuring does not change market sentiments about the organization immediately. The change in financial performance only occurs if it is found that the corporate restructuring has enhanced the organization’s use of resources and there has been an increase in the profitability of the firm. (Bowman & Singh, 1993) Another study done on the group of hospitals revealed that Corporate Restructuring is not positively correlated with increase in financial position and performance of an organization. Other factors such as size of the organization, number of employees and target market are more likely to be the main difference between financially strong and a financially weak organization. The results of this stu dy may lack reliability because it was cross-sectional research containing data of only one year. In the long-run Corporate Restructuring forces might be more efficient and have an impact on profitability of the organization. But to be on the safe side we can say that Corporate Restructuring is not correlated with the profitability of the organization in the short-run at least. (Clement, A'unno, & Poyzer, 1993) The paper is going to examine the impact of Corporate Restructuring on the market of an organization. The results of the studies indicated that the smaller and more centrally concentrated organizations are better in strategic decision making. In the period of 1990s, many organizations with diffused investment subsidiaries and stakes lacked any attention from the investors and hence there was a lot of focus on downsizing strategies during that period. The study also focused that blockholder investment is necessary for the stability of organization and firms with blockholder in vestment are efficiently configured. Hence, it is better for the organizations to downsize and try to maintain blockholder organizational structure in order to safeguard against uncertainty. Many organizations are downsizing because over-diversification is doing more harm than good and investors have realized that the correct way of making money is by investing large sums in a single organization to achieve growth. (Bethel & Liebieskind, 1993) A
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Racism in the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Racism in the United States - Research Paper Example All other races at one point exhibit racist tendencies towards the Caucasians and among themselves. As far as the government is concerned there is no racism as the law is quite clear that it is illegal. As compared to earlier times of slavery and periods before the 1960s (when civil rights movements were most vocal), open racism has subsided in a huge way. Its form has also changed to be more covertly and technically portrayed than before. The education system, the justice system, health sector and the corporate sector in the United States are some sectors where many feel racism still exists. Immigration issue has also played a role towards racism. Campaigns against and for immigration have on numerous occasions centered on racism. These are some of the issues that lead to the discussion as to whether racism still exists in the United States since they touch on the lives of many. Racism in the US still exists but in a more subtle way as compared to yesteryears and past centuries, and it is manifested in all races not just Caucasians versus all others. Racism puts those being discriminated against in positions of uncertainty and sheer difficulty. Racists work towards ensuring the system is water tight to prevent success of the minority groups. Minority groups are blocked from fully participating in the education system, health system, corporate sector and other realms of social development, for example, politics. These scenarios are quite well depicted in Ellison’s Battle Royal. The author here tries to portray the life of an ordinary but eloquent and learned African American back in the early 20th century. At first the story informs that the young man is optimistic that, with his talent and education, the society will accommodate him. The society here means the whites in the boy’s community, and this is clearly illustrated when he says, â€Å"I visualized myself as a potential Booker T. Washington†(Ellison 939). The state of social affairs is also deduced from humility being the key point in his speech. The story further depicts the hard position in which racism put African Americans by stating that the audiences at the battle royal were divided on whether the fighters were to look at the naked girl dancing in front of them. This scenario saw a portion of the audiences order the fighters to look at the girl while the other portion ordered them not to do so owing to the belief that it is a taboo for an African American to stare at the nakedness of a white woman. The author stated â€Å"some threatened us if we looked and others if we did not. On my right I saw one boy faint†(Ellison 940). This taboo among many others, mostly in the Southern States, was meant to distant other races from marrying the whites and as tools to harass African American men. The Southern states has such high levels of discrimination against African Americans that even after the Civil Rights marches, many still lost their lives and a gr eat deal of their properties including houses all for in the name of white women pursuance. The minority groups have for decades received promises of better lives and a bigger share of the national cake with no tangible evidence of these promises’ fulfillments. This is depicted by the fact that the gold coins are only made of brass thereby showing deception toward the African Americans. It is also clear that the African Ameri
Friday, January 24, 2020
Aquired Dyslexia :: essays research papers
DISCUSS SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH RESEARCH IN ADULT AQUIRED DYSLEXICS HAS ENHANCED OUR UNDERSTANDING OF HOW PEOPLE READ. The use of language is one of the most complex tasks the human brain must carry out. The way in which children acquire language is studied very carefully. This acquisition is enhanced by teaching from skilled language users, but in itself acquired by the child’s own observation and learning. For this reason the acquisition of spoken language is perhaps more well documented then the taught acquisition of reading skills. It is hard to determine how the human brain deals with the task of reading the written word. It can not be determined by introspection or studying the human brain in action as this is not possible. The way Psychologists and Neuroscientists have developed to determine hoe humans read is to observe people who have suffered some form of brain damage and have thereby incurred some form of reading disability. This disability is known as acquired dyslexia. From the study of such patients several variations of a basic model have been developed to highlight the way in which the written word is processed in the brain. The model is subdivided in to two main processing routes, the Non Lexical Route and the Lexical route. A model produced based on theories from Coltheart (1981) shows that there are several routes to speech production in the brain. The eye first identifies the printed word. In the adult skilled reader the eye does not move in a smooth pattern but actually jumps to certain focus points in a sentence the brain itself actually fills in the missing words. It does this by top down processing in which the brain applies words to the sentence to make the overall meaning correct. The eye does not move smoothly but actually jumps from point to point. The term given to the period when the eye is stationary and focused on a particular point is called a fixation. It is at these fixations when the eye takes up the information. The jumping movements are known as saccades. Javal (1887) first used this term. This jumping in saccades allows information to be processed faster. However it is believed that little or no information is taken up during a saccade. This is known as saccadic suppression. Dodge ( 1900) and Holt (1903). In addition to this saccadic motion it has been discovered that in readers of English the perceptual span of the visual field is greater to the right of the fixation point. Aquired Dyslexia :: essays research papers DISCUSS SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH RESEARCH IN ADULT AQUIRED DYSLEXICS HAS ENHANCED OUR UNDERSTANDING OF HOW PEOPLE READ. The use of language is one of the most complex tasks the human brain must carry out. The way in which children acquire language is studied very carefully. This acquisition is enhanced by teaching from skilled language users, but in itself acquired by the child’s own observation and learning. For this reason the acquisition of spoken language is perhaps more well documented then the taught acquisition of reading skills. It is hard to determine how the human brain deals with the task of reading the written word. It can not be determined by introspection or studying the human brain in action as this is not possible. The way Psychologists and Neuroscientists have developed to determine hoe humans read is to observe people who have suffered some form of brain damage and have thereby incurred some form of reading disability. This disability is known as acquired dyslexia. From the study of such patients several variations of a basic model have been developed to highlight the way in which the written word is processed in the brain. The model is subdivided in to two main processing routes, the Non Lexical Route and the Lexical route. A model produced based on theories from Coltheart (1981) shows that there are several routes to speech production in the brain. The eye first identifies the printed word. In the adult skilled reader the eye does not move in a smooth pattern but actually jumps to certain focus points in a sentence the brain itself actually fills in the missing words. It does this by top down processing in which the brain applies words to the sentence to make the overall meaning correct. The eye does not move smoothly but actually jumps from point to point. The term given to the period when the eye is stationary and focused on a particular point is called a fixation. It is at these fixations when the eye takes up the information. The jumping movements are known as saccades. Javal (1887) first used this term. This jumping in saccades allows information to be processed faster. However it is believed that little or no information is taken up during a saccade. This is known as saccadic suppression. Dodge ( 1900) and Holt (1903). In addition to this saccadic motion it has been discovered that in readers of English the perceptual span of the visual field is greater to the right of the fixation point.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Diana – Cover Up or Accident?
Example of a Persuasive Speech : Diana Diana – Cover up or Accident? There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the death of the beloved Princess Diana. I would firstly like to say that these are not my opinions but facts and quotations that I have found in books or on the Internet. Since the Princess' death in 1997, there was immediate pressure from the public towards the Royal family, and towards MI6. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]The first conspiracy theory is that the death was faked. The story goes that fed up with the constant intrusion into her private life by the media, Diana, aided by the resources of lover Dodi, staged a spectacular ‘death', in a hope that she could retreat to a life of privacy. A plan that went horribly wrong, leading to her death. But would this idea be possible? My view: No. Diana was famous all over the world. In this day and age it would not have been possible to avoid the press – Diana and Dodi would have known this all too well. Also, she loved her sons. In this plan she would have had to leave them. To me this theory is not what happened The second conspiracy theory is that of the evidence – one that stands out in particular for me. A) Bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones still lives, but testimony from Mercedes auto experts says that it would have been almost impossible for anyone to have survived a crash in the tunnel in a car going at 121 mph. Maybe, as driver Henri Paul's lawyers claim, the car was not going that fast. Maybe the crash was faked by the army-trained Rees-Jones who had previously deposited Diana and Dodi elsewhere. My view: Highly unlikely. If the bodyguard was to set up the accident, why be in the car at all? If he had set up the accident I am sure he would have set up an excuse/alibi to not be in the vehicle. And as is commonly known now, he was the only one wearing a seatbelt – the fact that this saved his life seems most likely to me. B) Dodi's usual driver was not used. Mystery still surrounds Henri Paul, the security officer, who stepped in at the last minute to drive the Mercedes S-280. It took a full two days for his name to be revealed, for instance. Co-workers at the Ritz Hotel say he kept himself to himself and never socialised with them. One version of this conspiracy has it that Paul simply did not exist, another that he was quickly whisked away from the hospital after being declared dead by doctors in cahoots with the Al Fayed family. My view: We know for a fact that the drivers were changed, but there is no solid evidence to say why. Also, surely the Al Fayed family had more than one driver. If I was them I would want to know the person driving me in my car. Wouldn't you? Now finally from the evidence: C) Just six hours before she died Diana let slip to Daily Mail reporter Richard Kray that she was about to withdraw completely from public life. My view: A funny one – but is the reporter just looking for a cheap story or has he got the proof? The truth is still unknown. The final conspiracy is the most popularly believed. That the British MI6 killed her. Some say that she was the target; some say that it was Dodi. Here's the evidence: Rogue elements in the British Secret Service decide that Diana is a threat to the throne, and therefore the stability of the state. They take her out. As for Dodi, business enemies of Dodi and his father Mohammed Al Fayed assassinate Dodi, with the death of Diana; a magnificent cover for their peration. My views are exactly that, and you should make up your own minds. But there is a mountain of evidence to say that The Lady Diana's death was no accident. Either way, the people of Britain have demanded answers for ten years now – after coming close, then having all the evidence stolen! Will we ever find out? My final view on this is, that as long as the people responsible don't wan t us to, then no, we will never find out the truth. Getting Civil I am against the government sanctioning same-sex marriages. Am I intolerant? Am I homophobic? Am I part of a fundamentalist religious sect of some sort? What if I tell you that I am against the government sanctioning marriages between a man and a woman as well? Am I against marriage? Am I an anarchist? Am I insane? Actually, I believe I have the sanest solution to the whole marriage debate and I don't hear anyone talking about it. My solution is to leave marriage where it belongs – in religious and private institutions. What business is it of the government to sanction relationships between consenting adults? Why is it up to the government to define what a marriage is? Why should the government be involved in promoting or discouraging particular types of relationships? We are a free country so why is it up to the government to tell us how we, the citizens, can define our relationships and which ones are acceptable in their eyes and which ones are not? My contention is that unless relationships chosen by consenting adults of their own free will endanger other individuals, the government has no business sanctioning them or preventing them. Am I saying that the government has no role in personal relationships? Well, not exactly. Legal arrangements are necessary for the purpose of expeditiously dividing property and providing for custody of any children resulting from a relationship if the relationship ends. Through legal arrangements, the rights of all involved can be protected. That's why I believe that all legal partnerships between two people who have committed to each other should all be civil unions in the eyes of the government. Whether these relationships are called marriages or not is up to religious institutions and the individuals themselves. pic][pic][pic]I have a friend who is a lesbian. The woman she loves is Dutch and they got married last summer in Holland where it is legal. I saw the pictures. They were happy, joyful. Their families and friends attended the ceremony and support them in their commitment to each other. They have a house together. They have jobs and pay taxes. They participate in civic activities. They are enjoying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. B ut what if their families did not support their choice and their commitment to each other? If something were to happen to one of them, either a life threatening illness or even death, by law, the family could prevent the partner from being involved in making decisions for her loved one's care or even the arrangements for a funeral. Unless prior arrangements were made, the benefits of being a legal couple would not apply to these two committed partners who make every bit as much of a contribution to society as any heterosexual married couple does. I have a friend who has two children with her partner. If their partnership were to dissolve, it is possible that the woman who actually gave birth to the children could bar the other woman, the woman that the children have always known as their mother from having any contact with them. The non-birth mother would have no rights. Are the children's rights protected here? Some people argue that allowing same-sex couples to have civil unions would result in an undue financial burden on society, primarily because of the benefits that currently apply to married couples that would now have to be extended to same-sex couples. So are we trying to prevent people from having equal rights to save a few bucks? To me, that's like saying we should not have allowed women the vote because it would increase the cost of elections. Some people are concerned that allowing same-sex couples the legal rights of a civil union would require religious institutions to marry them. There would be no such requirements. Churches and other religious institutions would be free to exercise their beliefs and traditions as they have always been. Two people who love each other should be able to commit to each other and be protected by law in the relationship and in the case that the relationship ends. Any children who are the result of the relationship should have their rights protected as well. In my opinion, all people who want to have legal recognition of their committed status should have the option of a civil union and that all people joined in a civil union should have equal rights regardless of their gender. Whether a name is given to that union beyond the legal one should be up to religious institutions and the individuals themselves, not the government.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Should The Minimum Wage Be Reduce Poverty - 1807 Words
Imagine a society where people push themselves to the fullest and have the courage to overcome the â€Å"income gap†by taking the initiative to go the extra mile through education and starting their own businesses, rather than hitting the streets in protest, abandoning their jobs, and demanding a minimum wage of fifteen dollars per hour. On the surface, pushing the minimum wage up from $7.70 per hour seems the obvious solution, but is a mere Band-Aid on a deep wound. Creating more job opportunities, expanding business productivity, and most importantly, increasing the education and the skill level of workers will end poverty and boost prosperity. Fundamentally, the government should not raise the minimum wage for workers due to the†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, imposing an employer mandate to comply with paying a higher minimum wage will have negative consequences on the labor market. What makes this topic important is that former President Obama passionately ral lied for a hike in the federal minimum wage which never actually happened, but generated pressure on the states to take action. However, the major reason the new wage hike is going nowhere on a federal level is that the net effect costs jobs by businesses handing out layoff notices to the least productive employees and reducing working hours to compensate for the higher wages.2(p15) According to the data, The typical study finds that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage depresses teenage employment between 1 and 3 percent.†3(p13) Consider the scenario where a teen is applying for his first job. He has no work history and has few technical skills. At the minimum wage rate of pay, he may find entry-level work, but at fifteen dollars an hour employers will look for already skilled workers with more experience. Indeed, Professor Holzer, a graduate of Harvard University in American economics, verifies that â€Å"Many employers will be very reluctant to pay high wages to wor kers whose skills †¦ are so modest.†4 Increases in hourly wages do not work well as an anti-poverty measure considering that monetary incentives will attract highly-skilled workers, which leave less-skilled workers not only without a job, but also with less of anShow MoreRelatedThe Minimum Wage Should Not Reduce Poverty1214 Words  | 5 PagesMillions of Americans live in poverty, unable to find high paying jobs to support themselves and their families. Common belief persists that paying a higher minimum wage would aid in lifting people out of poverty by giving those with low paying jobs a higher income, however the evidence suggests otherwise. As the 2016 race for the White House heats up, the minimum wage battle stands at the forefront of every economic discussion. The rhetoric between candidates within and across party lines intensifiesRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised?958 Words  | 4 PagesMinimum Wage Louis Montgomery III English Composition 101 Mrs. Blackwell April 23, 2015 Minimum Wage Do minimum wage jobs help pay the bills? Do minimum wage jobs support the family? Should minimum wage be raised? Will raising the minimum wage reduce poverty? The idea of minimum wage jobs is to help people get work experience without having any skills. Most minimum wage jobs include fast food restaurants and grocery stores. Minimum wageRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised For A Better Standard Of Living1636 Words  | 7 PagesVamsi Sanagala Hannah Manshel Dec 15 2014 English 1 Minimum Wage Almost 3.3 out of 76 million workers in the US receive minimum wage (Source: BLS reports). Activists for raising the minimum wage claim that the federal minimum wage of $7.25 is the reason they are living in poverty, and that the wage must be raised for a better standard of living. Many people who take on minimum wage jobs are young and work in companies that don’t carry much prestige; however, they stillRead MoreThe Benefits Of Raising The Minimum Wage1656 Words  | 7 Pagesseem to be should the minimum wage be raised or should it be lowered or eliminated altogether. From where I stand minimum wage should be raised. Everyone is more successful when people are paid a living wage. Changes to the minimum wage would strengthen the economy and business, Lift Americans out of poverty, and will be unlikely to significantly impact prices. The only way to grow the economy in a way that benefits 90% is to change the structure of the economy. Paying pe ople a fair wage is a signRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate1637 Words  | 7 PagesThe minimum wage debate brings about a range of reactions from different people. There are those who believe that there shouldn’t even be a minimum wage and that wages should be determined by the markets. On the other hand, we have those who vigorously argue for increasing the wage minimum citing inflation, the poverty line and worker productivity. Regardless, we do have a federal minimum wage rate in the United States at $7.25 per hour, with some states having a higher minimum wage than the federalRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Not Be Raised1187 Words  | 5 PagesMillions of Americans live in poverty unable to find high paying jobs to support themselves and their families. A common belief is that paying a higher minimum wage would help lift people out of poverty by giving those with low paying jobs a higher income, however the evidence suggests otherwise. The 2016 race to the White Hou se heating up, the minimum wage battle is at the forefront of every economic discussion. The rhetoric between candidates within and across party lines is intensifying. ManyRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Act Of 20071607 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction In 1938, the first national minimum wage laws in the United States were passed as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which served as â€Å"a floor below wages,†to reduce poverty and to ensure that economic growth is shared across the workforce. Today, many people who work for companies that pay at or near the minimum wage and remain near or below the poverty level rely on government health and food security and income programs to supplement theirRead MoreMinimum Wage and Poverty 1171 Words  | 5 PagesPoverty is a significant topic that is being investigated, talked about and most importantly lived in by millions in America. Many American citizens, specifically the children are not only living in poverty, but they are living below the poverty line due to low minimum wage (Gidfar). A child living in poverty can face serious problems in the future. Reducing poverty should not be charity work. As citizens of the world it should be a social responsibility to find a way in which poverty can no longerRead MoreThe Effects Of Minimum Wage On The Economy1391 Words  | 6 PagesThe Effects Minimum Wage on the Economy The controversial topic about increasing minimum wage is debated countless times over the years. Minimum wage is the lowest wage an employer can pay an employee permitted by law. The contemporary federal minimum wage is $7.25. Minimum wage applies to all domestic workers but teenagers are the main receivers of minimum wage. Minimum wage has a major effect on the economy. The question is are the effects positive or negative. There are many arguments on whetherRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Increased1057 Words  | 5 Pages16 November 2015 Minimum Wage Should Be Increased Congress enacted the federal minimum wage in 1938, during the Great Depression. Congress had two goals; keeping workers away from poverty and boosting consumer spending for economic recovery. Today, there is a debate, whether we should increase the minimum wage again. Increasing the minimum wage is useful for several reasons. First, the current minimum wage has failed to keep up with inflation. Second, a higher income level reduces employee turnover
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